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Setting good exercise habits

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

2020 has hit a curve ball for a lot of us with our normal work out routine. So we are having to make new exercise routines and habits. It can be hard but there are a few tips to help to make exercise a healthy habit in the day rather than just a coffee break.

First off, what is a habit? It is a settled or regular tendency or practice. But this takes time and effort. Don’t be fooled that after two workouts the next two will be easy but they will be easier with these tips.

Tip 1: Set A Date and Time

Write it down in your calendar and stick to it. Work things around your exercise to make it a priority. Sometimes it’s just scheduling it in the diary is all it takes.

Tip 2: Prepare

If scheduling a workout in the morning, get your clothes and runners out and ready the night before. It will make the process easier in the morning and will help motivate you to get out of bed when you have gone to the effort the night before.

Another thing to prepare is your pre and post workout fuel. That means a healthy snack like a banana, protein shake and staying hydrated. Also setting out your yoga mat or towel ready for a little stretch when you finish your workout.

Tip 3: Start Small

Starting small is key with creating a good habit. Why? Because having a goal too big or out of reach without a plan to progress may lead to disappointment and therefore giving up.

Try starting small with just getting up 30 mins early to go for a walk. Once tackling that move to something more like a run or something in the afternoons a week.

Work on a few goals at a time and then make more.

For example: my summer goals are drink at least 3L of water each day, walk for at least 30 mins each day and do 3 high intensity work outs a week. These are attainable and something I can progress on.

Tip 4: Have Fun

We know exercise for some isn’t the most fun but find ways to make it more enjoyable. Meet up with a friend, listen to a good playlist or podcast or just try something new if what you are doing isn’t for you. Exercise does not always need to be a structured HIIT workout maybe it is a 30 min dance around the house or some Zumba on youtube. Find what works for you and have fun! At the end of the day that is going to keep you more motivated and create good habits.

Tip 5: Consistency Vs Frequency

Quality over quantity. We have all heard it and it related to exercise habits too. Set realistic goals and do them well rather than doing one really good workout and slacking off for the rest of the week.

At the end of the day you want to be committed and stay committed to your goals and what you have set out to do.

Final Take Away:

Look after your body. With these tips, your body will adjust and condition to what you are doing a lot better rather than rushing out to run a half marathon with a week or running under your belt. Stretch, rest and recover. If you do find yourself with some more aches or pains please contact us at the clinic and we would love to help you create good healthy habits.

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